Our Team

CWW offers you a personalized coach-driven program to help you succeed with achievement of your desired goals of weight and wellness, as well as ongoing monitoring and advice to maintain those gains.

Arvind Madaan, M.D., FACAAI, FAAAAI, FAAP
As a board certified physician dealing with chronic asthma and related metabolic issues that tend to impact long-term clinical outcomes, I have seen first-hand the effect obesity has on the daily management and long-term outcomes of such disorders. This is in addition to the impact it has on cardiovascular health and the overall well being. While training and working at a prestigious institution like the Mayo Clinic, I had the opportunity to provide synchronized medical care to our patients along with world-class experts in other specialties of medicine.

Risk profile factors such as genetics, age and gender may not be amenable to meaningful alteration but chronic metabolic factors and their correlation with environmental and lifestyle factors are amenable to meaningful intervention. Quite a few of these metabolic disorders such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are related to being overweight or obese, sedentary habits, poor food habits and smoking.

The silver lining in this scenario is that these factors can be effectively targeted and modified to your advantage using a supervised, scientific and scalable program. On the flip side, the costs of not doing so are phenomenal in terms of chronic ill health (cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, orthopedic to name a few), medication and other healthcare costs, reduced or lost productivity, adverse effects from poly-pharmacy and with a reduction in overall life expectancy. All of these have been proven in published peer-reviewed medical literature and research.

Our wellness program incorporates tested strategies for achieving targeted weight loss, as well as maintaining those gains with ongoing education, lifestyle choices, education and monitoring.  After the initial phase, we expect our participants to be able to reduce or eliminate their dependence on high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol medications, in addition to reduction in chronic joint symptoms (specially back and extremities) related to effective weight loss.

CWW plans to deliver widely applicable, predictable, measurable and repeatable results in the field. We are able to target weight loss primarily for adipose tissue while preserving lean muscle mass. This keeps the "fat-burning engine" (lean muscle) in action versus weight loss achieved by simple starvation diets.

Crystal Wood, Ideal Weight Loss Clinic Coordinator and Weight Loss Coach
As as Certified Medical Assistant dealing with chronic medical issues, I developed an interest in health and wellness. I am driven by my desire to help patients achieve their goals for balanced nutrition, weight loss and wellness, as well as ongoing monitoring to maintain the ground they have gained. When I am not working, I love spending time with my husband and children. We look forward to taking care of you and your family in achieving your wellness and weight loss goals.